Friday 28 January 2011

Some history for bedtime stories, anyone?

Okey. Old,old England History - toured within 2 hours. Dah habes tengok 'The Other Boleyn Girl' - with Natalie Portman ngan Scarlet Johansson as stars. Memang a bit terpengaruh ngan homework. I was writing about Hampton Court Palace and its historic evolution, came across cerita pasal King Henry VIII's wives (which most of them committed adultery) - then kena beheaded. Gilalah. Pancung straight! But it was a good movie. Not to say 'sangat best' but good enough to learn 'bout the history. Come on, letak Natalie Portman tuu.. and some hunks in the-16th centuries-English-attire! (George Boleyn, their brother, for instance) Hehe. King Henry VIII was played by Eric Bana.

Natalie played Ánne Boleyn - depicted 'the most influential queen in history of England' - all because of her capability to make the king annuled his marriage - and became the queen. Came across Thomas Wolsey in the movie - the king's favourite minister who built the palace as his house, but then kena balas ngan king (he's one of the main figure in my essay though, but the palace-landscape stuff takde ye dalam movie ni). Back to cerita Anne Boleyn - she was so overly-confident that she can bear the king a son (heir); which at the end, she failed. She gave birth to a baby girl (Queen Elizabeth I), got pregnant again - but then suffered miscarriages. Sickly and desperately, had asked for George Boleyn (his brother!) favour to get her pregnant again. But he couldn't. Well that was what delivered in the movie. Both Anne and George were beheaded. Sian George! hahahah..

                                                          Anne and Mary

                                                                 Anne and George (see!) 

                                                              Eric Bana played the king 

The palace was definitely not the Hampton Court Palace. Lacock Abbey was one of the place where they filmed the movie. And we've been there! How come we didn't know??

Hmm. Wonder why they didn't make history as fascinating as these before..? I mean, masa time sekolah2 dulu. I can remember names now, can you believe it!?

Intann : Beheaded scenes? Of course I was not looking -nightmares nanti. Hehehe.

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

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