Sunday 9 January 2011

Chasing the sun

The last time I was kept away from the sun - is like 4 years ago when I was hospitalized for about a month. But, today, seeing and feeling the beams from the sun, excites every nerves I have, and I never knew how much I've been missing it. Now I know that - when people say 'do cherish every single thing you have in life before they're gone' does really mean something. It does feel so good - after about a month looking at the pale and gloomy sky, I stand still by my window just to enjoy the sunshines. No more foggy morning, all I can see is the wonderful view of Bath city so vividly from here. Stupid, I know. And I know I will be missing this cold weather next year - back home when there's only sun that's available. But, you see, when there's sun, there'll be a cendol stall right under it, and maybe some lepat pisang..or ais kacang with ice cream..*drooling* Okey. There it goes-food halucinations. I better stop -- before I see some ikan bakar falling from the sky.

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

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