Saturday 29 January 2011

Issues with the Tissues.

Saturday. Doesn't matter. It's gonna be Saturdays for the next 11 days for me before going back to school -- and get my head to be distressed  again.  Am by my lappy now (with tissue rolls stuck in my nose)-waiting for my two marshmellows to be awake. Ezzah murmured something in her sleep just now, followed by few chuckles. I am pretty much enjoying the moments.

The hingus I'm having (now) is not part of the celebration, okey. I know the right combination of what has caused me this nose-mess. Cold weather (it's -3 throughout the night) + dusty carpets + night sleep on that carpet. Perfect. Part of that would be my fault.. (With Ezzah in the house? The dust simply gets to accumulate 4 times faster!). The whole house is carpeted you see, and we've been sleeping in the living room for quite sometimes now, just to have the TV as the chief reason. 

Half of the tissue roll - well used, but the runny-hidung still doesn't show tanda-tanda nak berenti. Ini pun boleh bikin stress lah. Dah lah the price (the tissue rolls) mahal nak mampus kat sini.  Average price for 8 rolls of tissues can come close to 5 pounds! Hmm.. what a price for disposing some hingus huh? Don't ask about the one that come in boxes. Tak berani nak jeling pon. Haha.

Have been by my lappy for about 4 hours now, but I still can't figure out what to cook today! You can pretty much say 'padan muka' to me sebab tak pandai masak. I had a dream about something that goes on for sooo longggg...but all I have in my mind is the hot ayam masak lemak cili padi in some canteen - of somewhere - some place - with people I don't remember! Goodness! That is all I remember??The ayam??

Better work out something, Intan. You are so close to pathethic-ish!

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

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