Monday 24 January 2011

"I say..go to sleep -- now!"

The essay was progressing well yesterday. Conclusion drafted, bibliography and front cover ready, tapiii.. am not so sure about the conclusion. I dare not say its over yet - sebab when I read through the end part of it, ishh.. rasa macam pelik aje. Huhu..No no no.. I have to do something about the conclusion.More readings perhaps. 

I went to sleep at 3a.m - and so did Ezzah. She - becoming a late-nite-snoozer now has been a dilemma for me, you see. Her interests for TV and toys dah kurang, all she asks every morning is the Wii Mario and other gaming stuff- which is soooooo-not-in-my-parenting-list! And that was what she's been doing all night. I tried to divert her away from it by giving her the book and colour pencils - but then she will come and sit on my lap - asking me to do the activity with her. Adoi.. Not that I don't want to, but I have some other depressing task I have to complete - which right now, I kind of -- err..running out of time! To my dismay, my other half, instead of helping - he'd rather give Ezzah to play the games! I am so frustrated. I do. I'm not saying that I'm such a good parent, really. I know, I have my flaws too..but I really don't want her to get addicted to it. Like her Papa. The thing is like an addiction to cigarette, even worst bila the addict will never admit they are one. Keep saying its for fun. If so, when you're supposed to stop, stop lah.. Get to the priorities.. Ye tak..?

Last night I had to force her to stop playing (it's 3 in the morning - and you're only 4 - for goodness sake!) She cried so loud I had to warn her that I'd lock her somewhere else. Not even 5 minutes of crying, tido dah pun. 

I admit, part of it is my fault. I have to lock myself at home, of work and money - and so did them. After I finish all this, I will bring her to the park - let her play - get all sweaty and tired - then I shall re-align her sleeping time.

She deserves to see the world outside. She will understand. I know she will. She's my baby.

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

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