Monday 28 February 2011

Make You Feel My Love.. (2nd Semester Song?)

We've been listening to this radio station called Heart (or something) and I never change the frequency ever since. I don't know why suddenly this particular song being aired like forever kat this radio when I got in the car nak pegi school -- of which will normally takes me 8 minutes top to get there. Not one day missed. Bizarre uh? Coincidence, perhaps? And last night, we watched 'When In Rome' starring Josh Duhamel - and this song was innit. Sangat sengaja nak menjiwangkan orang.. still, that movie was quite a school-teen-fantasy sket. I like it better when Josh belakon 'Life As We Know It'..alongside Heigl.. cute!

Well, as in this clip, they say that this should remind us upon the 'struggles' we are facing at times.. guess they're mine too. Enjoy it people!

 Adele - Make You Feel My Love

When the rain is blowing in your face,
and the whole world is on your case,
I could offer you a warm embrace
to make you feel my love.

When the evening shadows and the stars appear,

and there is no one there to dry your tears,
I could hold you for a million years
to make you feel my love.

I know you haven't made your mind up yet,

but I would never do you wrong.
I've known it from the moment that we met,
no doubt in my mind where you belong.

I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue,

and I'd go crawling down the avenue.
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
to make you feel my love.

The storms are raging on the rolling sea

and on the highway of regret.
Though winds of change are throwing wild and free,
you ain't seen nothing like me yet.

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true.

Nothing that I wouldn't do.
Go to the ends of the Earth for you,
to make you feel my love
to make you feel my love 

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Saturday 26 February 2011

Things I fancy, things I don't..

It doesn't even take 3 minutes for anyone to notice, that Britain countryside 'looks exactly the same as what you see in the Postman Pat cartoon' (I still regret saying that stupid crap to the cab driver when we first arrived) -- but what fascinated me the most was to see -- loads of beautiful people - like a fashion charade on the street. Not that I never seen white people before, but the fact that they're everywhere -- damn good looking/pretty, fashionably-well groomed, neat, manicured, legs up to the neck what not-- had made me feel seriously jakun for a while. I even didn't mind if Mr. Papa sneaked his eyes out and gazed at the girls because I did that too! The girls were worth-looking at - I think I said "cantiknyeee dia tu kan bang" way too many times, that he (Mr. Papa) went from being amused to being pretty freaked out.. hahahha!

After 5 months, my fascination towards the looks of the girls and lads finally fades. It's all because - most of them (not all) like to GIGIT KUKU! Eauuwwwwww!!!!  I just cannot comprehend -- how can orang cun-cun macam tu do that - but since the kuku are so attached to the body, guess they can't get rid of the habit. It's everywhere, in the classroom, on the bus, while walking, masa makan (super gross!) and even when they are talking to you! Aduuu.. kesengalan lahhh..I was like.. ' still have nice coat, handbag and legs though' dalam hati.

So now, my attention has diverted to something else - one of it -- is being enormously irritated by the prices of everything. Tahun ni jugak la nak naikkan VAT's and all - and yesterday's halia was the most irrational figure I've ever seen (cost me GBP2.50!). And, I also just did something so-very-unlikely me -- complaining to the local city council about my stolen food waste bin. I sent emails, I called, uhh.. so absorbed to being on of them, I suppose. But if I didn't do that, they will not collect my sampah, which is sangat kurang asam. Just like what I did to get the internet done the other day. Lepas 3 bulan, baru dapat 24-hours internet -- after series of cynical comments and non-stop complaints  -- which for me is something gila. Call me úncivilized for being that close to shouting over the phone, I just don't care.

Intann : Heheh..maybe after all the complaints era's gone, I will walk back to fancy people again, the ones without kuku issues of course!

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Tuesday 22 February 2011

My first pulut skaya ever!

After experiencing some panic attacks (of tak tau nak masak ape when friends called to visit) and occasional visual-torment images (of home kuihs and foods kat internet), I, finally, driven to make the kuih of my own -- and of course lah dish 'yang paling senang' - for a start.

So this evening, I made pulut skaya - or better known as serimuka. I followed all given steps, except for the tepung ubi (mana la nak cari) which I substituted with custard powders. Good thing I still have the liquidizer I wrongly-bought kat Argos (ingatkan blender) -- and it finally did the job like it should. Everything went well - I supposed - for it tastes just like pulut skaya! Slightly sweet, but still, I did it. Sigh.


Intann : Lepas ni nak wat ape plaks ye..? 

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Monday 21 February 2011

Misi Nasik Dagang Kak Pah - Part I

Friday night, we were chilling out kat living room  watching the IT Crowd (the 3 moronz almost caused our mind to explode ngan lawaks mengong diorg) - when suddenly my phone rang and it showed "Mardziah Sheffield" on the screen. I jumped. Panicked. "Bang? Todays 18 kan? Kak Maziah cakap nak datang!! Dah sampai kot!" Totally forgotten about it! I was sweating hard - for the living room looked even worse than a wrecked ship! "Please don't tell me you're here just yet.." I prayed. Give me 10 minutes -so I can kemas the living room. Hahaha.. 

I took the call - with my eyes closed. While  my thoughts were pestering me brain with questions like "Äpa nak masak? apa nak masak?apa nak masak..????!

"Intannnn..akak nak gi sana ESOK..." the rest of the words dah tak dengar.. and..there was a loud-relief-yay from within. Then another big-yay echoed when she said "...kak pah ko buat nasik dagang sebesen ni ha..esok kitorang bawak...!" DOUBLE YAY! Felt like ESOK HARI RAYA you know..? Hahaha..

Yes. Pathetic. For someone who cook just better than a 12 years old anak bujang (ye worse?) to list out menus for guest can be a bit depriving. I am totally happy they're coming - only the food part just churns me all over. Scary weh.. We got neither desert nor fruits. Let alone nak producekan festive-like dishes. Chikadees banyak la.. heh. So I made up my mind to add some more dishes to complement with their nasik dagang. Nasik putih and gulai ayam. Just to be safe, people. Hehe..

Saturday -- at around 11, they arrived. It was so good to see each other again (since BTN Penang in December 2009). Kak Pah n husband, Rizal now study and live in Southampton, Kak Mardziah and family travelled south from Sheffield, while Kak Haida, husband and their lovely miss drove from Leicester (God, I better google-up where the place is). Lyz's family car-pooled with Kak Pah, also from Soton. Harry came too - all the way from Trowbridge just to make sure we didn't habeskan his nasik dagang. It was indeed an early Hari Raya! 

                                               Ezzah with kawan baru - abangs from Sheffield.

The nasik dagang feast was like a dream came true, in fact that was most bewildered wish-dish for Mr. Papa since forever! 

This is ME menerkam my plate of nasik dagang. Ngehehehe..

The living room, the friends, the nasik dagang, and whole lotz of laughters!

Lepas berjaya feed the hungry Bath people (which tak kurus tang mana pun despite "takde food in Bath"), turn kitorang pulak jadi tourist guide. Misi jalan2 mula dengan pegi uni, then Bath town. Let the pics do the talking keh?

@Southgate, Bath - semua jamu mata jer..

Depan Pump Room
Menyesakkan laluan dengan berenti tengah2 jalan suka2 hati : ) 

Tourist guide pulak yang lebih. Hehe..ambik peluang weh..
bukan senang nak dapat photograper tambahan

Lyz, Khairul n Qistina @ Bath Abbey

Ezzah berkenan giler kat wellies itik tu..

@ Royal Crescent : Geng2 mak (termasuk yang preggy tu pun) join anak2 loncat 
- marking the end of the tour

Intann : Can't never get enough of nasik dagang. Even now still on nasik dagang hangover! 

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Thursday 17 February 2011

"Tonight's TV belongs to mama, okey..?"

Last night was a blast! I caught myself having all this mixed feelings again; the blood-pumping exhilaration, anxious-ness, mind overly loaded with content, and of course - at the end of it -- scared of losing. These are all the things normally happen to me when it comes to football - tambah lagi kalau the last good game you've watched was ages ago. 

I couldn't help myself from hiding the wide-beaming-smile out from my face when the UCL montage roared the TV. That was beyond speech man! I was like being all reçharged and energized by the events -- (kononnya I was one of the screaming fans kat Emirates stad tu -- when I was actually under my soft snuggly white duvet in my petite living room - with Ezzah beside me crying and stomping - wanting to change the channel). Eheh. Sorry lah, tonight is Mama's night, okey.. Nothing beats the spirit eh?

First leg match between Arsenal and Barca -- was a complete suspense for me (takot kena gelak ngan laki kalau kalah). When Barca filled the net the first 30 minutes of the game, it broke me and at the same time - excite me even more. Even though Pires and the good-old-days team weren't there -- I still got the thing with Arsenal. (Did I tell you already Pires is currently in Aston Villa which is 2 hours away from me..?). Hehe..Can't wait to visit Arsenal's ground next month!

Goals from Persie and Arshavin were magical! I remember screaming my heart out - (sambil jeling jugak kat laki -- takut dia marah beb.. lebih2 plaks) when Arshavin scored; and the next thing was -- I'm fever free!! Huhu what a night. There must be a whole lot of pressures for the bunch of 'kids' with age ranges from 22 to 26 (as refered by Fabregas) to win the big event -- and I'm quite sure he was just being humble -- in front his Spaniard star-mates. Heh. 

Intann : Looking forward to watching the next mouth-watering clash : the 2nd leg. Scares me so.

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Nape, tak pernah tengok orang selsema ke..?

Dragged my feet (and all the guts within me) to class semalam despite still having those irritating coughs, horrid-sniffles, and nasaly voice. I sounded just like Squidward (yes, I still do).  Asked a friend, why  they don't give us the antibiotics - for this has been going on for a week. Dia cakap that-- they used to bagi antibiotics before - but until recently the health ministry stopped distributing ubat tu and let people develop their own body immunity. Kalau takat seminggu tu kira tak dak hal la.. tunggu sebulan baru diorang bagi antibiotik tuu.. (Heh, how I wish she could cakap Melayu macam tu..). Logic jugak kalau impose kat local people, ye tak..?? Sepanjang masanya sejuk dan selsema, but can't they give some sort of exception kat foreigners..? Of which, on second thought, why on earth would they care, hehe..

I was this close to leaving the class (am showing you my tangan sejengkal ni, nampak tak?) when everyone seemed to turn their heads to look at me everytime I sniffled and let out the loudest cough (Mel was obviously running away from me!). When I speak, they was like "What..? Whatt..?? Say that again..??". Hmm.. Kes sengau lah ni. Tension betullah. But the lectures was so good, I knew I'd be terribly sorry if I missed them, so I stayed. Occasionally kena jugak run out from the classroom - sebab takleh nafas. Gila lah.. memang totally miserable! Tapi, that funny old chap from HLF bagi balik awal pukul 4.30 -- which really made my day sebab ada ARSENAL vs BARCA GAME AT 7.30! 

Hek hek hek.. (Squidward's laugh)

Intann : Think I better take a fresh sheet - sebab nak scream outloud 'bout game semalam!!

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Monday 14 February 2011

Along came the tale, the tears and the hingus..

Just finished watching the clay animated movie called Mary and Max, 'a tale of friendship between two unlikely pen pals: Mary, a lonely, eight-year-old girl living in the suburbs of Melbourne, and Max, a forty-four-year old, severely obese man living in New York'. It moved me so - I ended up having difficulties in breathing sebab my readily stuffy-nose got even more clotted. Felt like crying once again just to think about it, but -- for this nose' sake and for the plight of my appetite loss (due to excessive amount of hingus) - guess I better think about something else kan?

You should watch it too, good for the soul. : )

Intann : Rugi hari ni makan x rasa apa-apa. Pakai telan aje --ciken, pizza and mushroom soup tu.. (sad)

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Things that are rattling in me mind..

I've been up all morning looking for the cheapest right insurance for the car (which lead me to a dead end), and planning for my field trip slash personal trip to London next month. A reply from a friend who lives in Surrey did give me a huge relief - which means we're gonna have a total-free-3-nights-stay nanti (that's gonna save us GBP150, okey!). Since there'll be a class visit to the London's royal parks -- so, thought that I might just grab the chance and bring Mr papa and Ezzah to London. Banyaknye benda nak kena pikir, of fuel, which to do first, where to head then, of what should I anticipate, ihh..banyaknye yang memeningkan! Still, despite those free accomodations, deep down I pray that the train fares and entry tickets shall treat us accordingly. We are coping with a very (very-very-very) tight budget - but still, got a lecture to attend. Hmm.. That would mean packed food, kan?

Still plenty of things to google upon -- and this stuffy-nosey thing isn't helping at all. Better cepat before Ezzah bangun and claim this seat; "Mama.. tepi... Ezzah got work to doooo.."

xx DreamSnugger  xx

Saturday 12 February 2011

What's gotten into you, friend?

Not long after learning that I might not be able to attend my best buddy getting married this year (which saddened a whole lot of me), I was bewildered by another mind-boggling news - also from another close friend. I was startled to see the wife's alarming shout-out on Facebook yesterday, of the physical abuse she suffered. God, I can never believe what I read. She was angrily swearing claiming the friend of mine to whip her -- using rotan!

I don't know. He was my classmate for three years back in my early college days (yeah, 
I know - that amount isn't sufficient to declare whether we know someone so well) but he was like my brother. We used to travel together from KL-Kuantan and he was the one guarding me - for we normally took midnight fleets. I was there when they got hitched, I became close with her (gf then), joined their dating days, goofed around here and there together (zaman dulu kala), and of course - was so glad when they got married. I mean, they were ideally perfect!

God, I am torn apart between two friends. I have no right at all to pass judgement or meddle with their marital problems, but the things she claimed he did - was beyond thinking! (of which I can never, ever, ever, tolerate that). I wonder what had came through his mind when sepak terajang becomes cara nak release tension. Again, from her words, he was distressed for not having "the freedom" he needs after kawin, with anaks and daily pressures. He demands space and time for him to be with friends. Whoa.. I've been hearing that very same excuse again and again, what is it with men dengan friends nih?? Never heard pulak tok kadi cakap dulu friends should become one of marital priorities. The most stinging part was that - (from what she said) he, claiming to be having every rights to pukul his wife (I know him of having such  hati kering, but hitting a woman..? Come on..).

My goodness, it was so dreadful, I wish none of its scene ever come across my mind.  

Okey.. maybe I've been listening from one party (plus pukul-pukul scene has been my pantang tok nenek since I could ever remember); but the thing is that -- ada banyak lagi cara to settle things - (except leaving someone in total-and-deadly-silence) rather than hurting physically someone you claimed as 'love ones'.

In my mind right now are the faces of their 3 beautiful kids. All I can do is sighing - and pray for the better - for both of them. She, on the other hand, has lodged police report (good for her), but what about my friend..? I mean.. Could he be sick or anything that made him.. not him..? 

But man, not having time to spend with friends IS NOT A PROBLEM okey.. believe me. We, women have sacrificed that (together with our hair-do's, girls night out, masseurs sessions etc.) way looong ago - when we vowed to share life with you guys. If there's anything that we do that didn't make you happy - then let it out, speak up, or.. just let us go.

Intann : Well, friend, hang in there. I am deeply sorry for whatever you've been through.. I wish you well. Sigh.

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Me vs Fever : Part 2

Now I know - it's Ezzah's flu liquid yang contributes to my head spinning - since last night. My fever is long gone, but I still need to deal those irritating phlegms within my body system. Now that I'm weak, I noticed that my asthma too -- is sneaking out; thus adding up to the amount of medicine I have to consume.

Normally - old pakciks and makciks all over Malaysia (and of the world I supposed) would say that when a baby or toddler demam, they are making progress in their growing up development. They might be able to walk, talk or even run just as soon as the demam's over. Ezzah, interestingly - had shown improvements in her speech. I mean, she's not scared to express things anymore. Well, me, on the other hand, become more inactive and lethargic, or the better word - lazy. Guilty grin. Oýes, that's not flattering, but that is all I can think of these few days - becoming manja and take a day or two rest - from cooking and worrying about house-chores. Or...... I might end up being able to speak French like ze chap above! Her her.. (french laugh).

Ezzah came to me with the temperature strip last night - and ordered me to lie on my back. As she put the strip on my forehead, her other hand went checking under my chin - with a loud shout "Oohh! Hot nye!". I struggled hard to keep myself from laughing - so that she could continue to pretend of whatever she was. Came her papa and asked -- whether she was a doctor then. "So,'s mama..? What does the strip says..?" I asked. She, with her all-serious face -- hesitated for a couple of seconds, and replied; "'s twenty pounds..!".

Haha.. perfect. Twenty pounds just for lying the strip on the forehead??! Goodness..My daughter's dream is to become a materialistic doctor in the future! Hahahaha..She obviously can't figure the numbers on the strip which only have 35 for low fever, 36-37 for normal, low fever, fever and high fever - as the number's going up. She can count and remember the numbers up until 26 saje ye.. ikut counts tangga (naik dan turun). But heck, am still proud of her. : )

I know Mr. Papa hates to see me lying around like a fat sloth in the hall - perhaps in his mind; he wants me to jump around and get over with the fever. Uh huu.. now that my head spin is fading, think I could do some of Fergie dance moves kot! Hahahahha...

Intann : Wish me luck eh. Not luck to becoming fergie... but from fever.. tapi kalau boleh jadi fergie..sah Mr. Papa plak demam. : )

xx DreamSnugger  xx

Friday 11 February 2011

Me vs Fever : Part 1

Yep. Mr. Fever definitely wins the battle. Big time.

Yep #two - got these from Ezzah. She's all fine now - but still we can hear her coughing once in a while. You might see I'm all battered and knocked out. I did nothing but lying around - having tissues stucked in my nose -- again. At one point, those runny-nose thing got me irritated all over. They're coming out without brakes and made the whole living room filled with wet-used-tissues. Yecks to myself!

I know I need to write something tonight sebab I've been sleeping all day (thanks to the whole strip of Panadol - I can't believe I swallowed all 8 of them -- and Ezzah's flu liquid). My mind is a jumble, trying to shed thoughts and just focus on coming back to my senses again. It's no big deal, I know - but this fever had cost me my first Friday class. Had to skip it for I can't even lift up my head this  morning. Oh yes, and we missed the lori sampah too. Big bummer. 

Have to stop. Frizzle-drizzle-head-spinning is happening again. 

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Thursday 10 February 2011

Spring, fever and everything in between..

I miss posting yesterday. First day in my spring semester went well. A loooooong list of places to be, courseworks to complete and classes to attend - but am glad winter is almost over. The chill is still there - tapi tak lah sesejuk December. Shun is back from Hong Kong, Alice - looking good as ever. Few friends went missing though; Julia deferred her course until next October. The Brit-Italian mix obviously is still griefing after the demise of her mother from cancer in November. The last time we hang out masa kat Westbury Court, and at the coffee shop, saw her droping some pennies inside a donation box - some cancer research thing. I went asking about her mom - dia cerita, and a week after that; we got the news. I hope to see her again before balik Malaysia, soon. Other girls --Wendy and Theresa will be doing 4 years. Samuel (the Patrick Dempsey look-alike) is nowhere to be seen -- after some 'rubbish lecture' coming from one of the guests. He was so pissed (everyone could notice); I think he's gone forever. Bummer.

Lucky us, the first lecture sangat best. The whole class was stalled mulut ternganga for few minutes sebab from the name "Kim. A", we were expecting a 'lady' coming through the door. So, we got 'her' wrong. Hehe. But, heck, janji his workshop rocks, tu je yang matters kan. 

An hour before balik, got a text from Mr. Papa, saying that Ezzah muntah kat rumah -- and her body temperature naik. I can't set my mind focus right after that sampai kelas dismissed. Beli pisang skejap kat Co-op, balik.

Memang demam betul - she was so weak, she even look like one. She didn't eat, all she had sampai malam cuma air kosong je. We had to sponge her all night -- and after the kencing-atas-couch-scene, we finally had her washed all over; then baru lah she managed to talk and asked for biskut. The last thing she would ever swallow memanglah Paracetamol - lucky we have the ABC (apa ntah) from homeopathy her tokwan bekalkan.

                                                                tido.. : (

By midnight, kami pulak yang affected. Weng je kepala..Semua orang bangun at 11 today sebab semalam tido pukul 5.. the end.

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Chicken and Me and Me and Chicken

Hehe. Never trust a chicken-freak when he/she said they have had enough with chicken - cause they NEVER will. I just told some friends how bad my 'hangover' was after a super-large meal of roast chicken we had last week, kununnye macam serik lah makan ayam like sebulan. Not even a freaking week, there I go again -- devouring ayam like there's no tomorrow.Haha. Kategori raksasa gorgon la ni. I shall blame the event when kami tak cukup sempat makan ayam last Sunday (datang lambat sapa suruh) -- got the recipe from Umi - and voila! The easy-made chicken is done.. most interesting part --> there's coke involved.  : )

                                     Ayam + coke + kicap + halia = ayam coke kicap halia

Still got fried chicken from lunch@Bristol, then pau Ezzah nye fries, salads, deco-deco skit --> bon appetite!  Hmm.. ini kalau Jamie Oliver tengok mesti pinsan. Somebody from his hometown dah mencalarkan credibility dia dalam masak campak-campak.. Ngee.. hehe.

                                                                        Dinner's ready!

This is certainly one of the things I do best. MAKAN. 

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Happy Birthday Bestie!

It's Kish birthday today.
She's been a wonderful friend to me - a lady with big guts and a strong heart.
I hope she had a blast!

wishing you great moments - dari jauh.. : )

Lots and lots of loving thoughts!

xx DreamSnugger  xx

Next stop : Bristol !

Tuesday. Sigh. It's cold and it's foggy. 
This is exactly how I feel about Sundays - for my school-day starts tomorrow.
There'll be tonnes of stuff to read, and things to worry.

Urghh - bugger off.
I'm just gonna spend today the best I can. Even though it will involve Bristol, chicken, sausages, rice and maggies.Yes, stocking up for the next 3 months, people.

It's almost 10am but outside looks wet and foggy still. Hmmphh..
Ezzah, wake up..
Papa, wake up...

                                                                     foggy backyard


See you around!

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Monday 7 February 2011

Rainy days and Mondays..

Misi membeli ayam kat Bristol today can be considered as FAILED. We were overslept 
(I was shot, remember?) and was not in the mood to drive in the rain. Plus, there were still plenty of leftovers from Hefni's in the fridge, and all I can think of bangun pagi-pagi was the cereal. Easy -- bukak box dan kenyang! Hmm.. modern-time motherhood eh? 

Not much activity done the whole day. Hmm..since program stock up ayam dah changed to tomorrow, I just ran around doing some cleaning in the house. Yang banyak bertaburan -- of course lah the blue packets. Think we are addicted to it. So much so of Chikkadeesss!

                                                             The culprit!

Know what? I was alone --vacuum carpet tangga and bathroom, and ducked down to collect the hairs (since vacuum bertuah tu tak cukup power nak sedut hairs). Being a thirty-something-of course-my-hair-fell-down-woman, I always know the longest hair lying on the floor was mine, tapiiii.. who wants to answer for the LONG WHITE HAIR I just found?????? Better go watch Spongebob lah.. (telan air liur sambil buat2 berani).. *sweating-hard!*

And the clean carpet cuma bertahan 2 jam sahaja!

Later in the evening, we just found out that we lost our large food-bin; wonder sapa la yang balas. Every households in Bath got the bin for free since October from the Council, untuk food waste aje. Hmm.. good effort, but the plastic bag will cost us GBP4 per roll. And now, mana nak buang sampah nih? Nak kena report ke apa nih..? Ingat Jumaat ni nak tumpang tong sampah jiran sebelah lah dulu. Bummer!

Layan StarWars marathon zaman 70an with Mr. Papa..  I just quit halfway, too much weird creatures and they talked funny! George Lucas did possessed some extreme imagination, kan? -- I simply cannot understand why men fancy citer tu.. never care, and never will. Lagi best tengok Handy Manny. Hehe..

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Isk..tak best lansung!

I dreamt of an old friend, then I don't remember, then my arm was shot, again, I don't remember why -- and was brought to Kuantan to see a bomoh. The house (or clinic) was filled with people, which I was sure yang sakitnya sorang aje, but the carers punyalah ramai. But the makciks inside the clinic had this scary look -- gilalah.. one boy at the other side - was munching garam and daun pisang, and a faint-faced lady holding her bag full of ikan busuk. Once in a while, they threw their killer-scawwy jeling towards me sebab my phone never stops ringing! 

I remember the treatment room was separated dengan a huge bright yellow cloth hanging from the ceiling (normal view in every demonic place I suppose). Everyone looked impatient for their turns- perhaps dah lama tunggu before I even arrived. Long story short, all of the sudden, the tok bomoh came out and and said;

 "Hah.. mana satu yang kena tembak tu..?

One question changed it all. Time tu jugak every eyes in the hall pointed towards me (ya la, sapa lagi yang kena tembak)-- and in split seconds, they turned into 1000 scary faces and rushed hysterically to attack me!
Memang seram even I kind of realized that was a stupid dream (sebab kena tembak, which sangat tipu, heh). Panicked as semua orang would be kalau kena attack; I can still recalled my escape quote to the tok bomoh - as an excuse from his treatment;

"Takpa lah pakcik, saya balik dulu, saya nak kena hantar buku library.."

Cis. Buduhnyeee... tak thrill lansung!

Intann : Nak mimpi jadi bridget jones takleh ke..? Hehe..

xx DreamSnugger  xx

Sunday 6 February 2011

I Can't Cook..!

Back from Hefni's place. We were the last yang sampai - pukul 2 jugak. Ni sebab kami satu rumah tido sebelum subuh malam tadi. Konon-kononnye nak align Ezzah-nye sleeping time. We got (paksa) her to sleep at about 9pm -- only to have her to be awake again pukul 12 tengah malam. Tiba-tiba je -- "Mama..I want nasik...Ezzah hungryyy.." Aduuu..pinsan. After nasik, mintak cereal pulak. Memang betul-betul lapaq dia nih! 

She went back to sleep (lepas acara garu belakang yang sangat lama!) at around 2am. Tapi, kami la pulak yang cerah bijik mata. One movie completed - Johhny Depp's new piece 'The Tourist'. Tak ngantuk - but we got hungry. Makan again at around 4 in the morning. To proceed dengan tidor after 1 large milk-coffee and whole loads of biskut memang sangat memberdosakan, so we decided to layan another movie. 'Grown Ups' with Adam Sandler and friends. Layan lahh. Memang lepas Subuh baru paksa diri tido..

I made Agar-agar Oreo (got the recipe from internet - quoted 'sangat simple!') dengan Spagetti with udang and mushroom. Memang tawakal lah bawak pegi. Orang lain masak memang tak ter'lawan' la. Kak Ana came with her cheesy tiramisu cake (buat sendiri tuu!), Hefni and Zetty cooked bihun goreng, Umi with nasik goreng cina and teriyaki chicken, Harry made salad dan banyak lagi lah! I was wayyy too sleepy to eat (seram sejuk sebenarnya tengok kehebatan orang memasak). Just chat-chat for about 2 hours and everybody started to leave. Tapi tiramisu cake tu memang menyentap kalbu - confirm tapau bawak balik.

We decided to have some makan-makan too at our place one day -- since people tadi dok tanya of our house whereabouts. Hmm.. perhaps during Ezzah's birthday. I'm not worried about the space -- since our house can accomodate like 20 pax at one time, cumanyaaa... WHAT TO COOK...??? Takkan nak belek resipi from BBC's I Can Cook kot.. (laughing at myself). *sigh*

Intann : Do something Intan..

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Saturday 5 February 2011

Family Portrait #1

Moments.Well. Shared.

This is my favourite photo so far. Hope we can get more of this -- nanti. In fact this is our first all-together photo since we've been here. It's not easy to get someone ambilkan gambar. This one was taken with help from a 'facility structure' available around the uni's lake. : ) 

Darn sejukkz that time.The lake was frozen! We were trembling, tapi since the campus was all empty (New Year break) making the lake all ours. 

Intann : Freezing all merry moments.

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Friday 4 February 2011

Little things that I miss..

Only God knows how I hate writing about things that will make me sad or down. I need those perky-ness feelings and attitude back in to my life, giving me strength to start a brand new day.

I miss my sincere smile and giggles. I miss the yay moments I had when watching football. I miss the great feelings that enveloped me when I grabbed the keys going nowhere but having fun - with anyone I like. I miss miming along with the songs on the radio, some songs in fact made me jump sebab rasa macam teenage balik bila dengar that particular piece. I miss the solitude-moments I once had, having fun with my own emotions, talking to my thoughts, and every single things that filled my day with sunshines. Those sensation feelings -- where I don't have to go and look for them, they're simply part of me. Like the cowboys. No worries. No problems. Just me, living the great moments.

Where have they gone?

xx  DreamSnugger  xx


Since yesterday evening, I feel heavy-headed and there's some stingy echoing sounds coming from inside my left ear. It got worst when we were at the Victoria Park playground (with huge sand place - so that Ezzah can get her jumping-frenzy-therapy session after months of hibernating). The strong wind turned my ear into chime - and I felt like it was coming out! One moment I was grasping for air, another minute I have to stop myself and relaxed my lungs. That didn't feel good at all.

We had to stop by at Iceland - to buy some veges and milk. Nak masak untuk jamuan kat rumah Hefni nanti. Once we got home, I almost fainted. I lost my balance and skidded on the shoe place making all the stuff I bought scattered on the floor. I sat down for a couple of minutes before getting up again. The moment I removed all of my jackets and sweaters, I felt like a stream of current running through my body. Terus rasa nak muntahhh! Which I did - and then after - I was as weak as the sayur lama dalam peti ais..smashed and flat.

I will save your time from guessing. NO I am not pregnant. But I do not know what had caused me this. Too much caffein from the cokes and coffees? Or too much chips? Or, I didn't balance up my life routine with walking etc? Anything I'm allergic with? Not that I know.. What could it probably be..?? Especially the dengungs in my ear. I remember Juwita once said about the dengung stuff years ago - and hers was due to fatiqueness. Tak tau where to start the guess sebab I did not take any drugs at the moment. Can somebody fill me up with clues?? There is a lot of "what if's" dalam mind ni.. *frowned*

What has agitated me even more is that how this country is running the health-casualty system. I wonder what would happen to me (and us) if we need to see a physician - tapi stalled sebab they have such a long procedures  that we have to abide. I was told that - even we got an emergency - we still need to call the health place for an appointment (be it like 1 hour in advanced). Showing up terus will mean "sesi menunggu sehingga sawan" la kita kat situ. Gila. Then tak payah lah letak sign "Emergency" tu if there's no relevant point. Hmm. Maybe, its just me - sebab orang kat sini don't even bother the system they're having. Diorang ni jangan charge (with ridiculous cost) aje, marah lah.

I browsed through some pages in the internet. From the symptoms - I was diagnosed with Vertigo (mesti sebab I wrote down "lost balance" tu). But they said  (the so-called online doctors) - I should need to consult a physician if;

1. I got a blurry vision (one side or both)
2. Vomitting continuously. Well, this two dah cukup for me to rush to the nearby physician!
3. Dan banyak lagi ....Scawwwy! 

Intann : I refrain myself from coffees and cokes at the moment. Perhaps I should stick to pisang, kan??

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

Thursday 3 February 2011

Ezzah's Favourite

Check out the list of stuffs on the Britz TV - CBeebies Channel : which make Ezzah frenzy most of the times. On second thought, just see what they have done to make her mama glue-stucked as well. Ngee..

                                                                 Hmm.. Lau Lau and friends

Normally, everyday at 6pm sharp Ezzah will ask us to 'change the channel,'s twelve o'clock niiii..' Main belasah je sebut jam. She knows when it's gelap outside, time for Waybuloo dia la tu. The things about these pelik creatures - they have such irritating-soft-shrieking-voice. Pening jugak nak layan tengok this program sampai habis, tapi - as long as it's decent for child viewing, then that's fine with me. Shrieking pun shrieking lahh.. 

Right after that - In the Night Garden plak.

                                                                    The weird gang

They have this short poem, which Ezzah loves. She would jump towards any one of us; holding out her palm so we can run our fingers spirally.

Round and round
A little boat - no bigger than your hand
Out in the ocean, 
far away from land..

Take the little sail down
Light the little light
That is the way
To the garden in the night..

Okey. Freaky. Mama pulak yang ingat. Yang ni actually lagi letih. I think it's meant for toddlers - for the characters are all mumbling their names all the while. With again; loud-shrieking sounds from the weird carriages called the 'Ninky-Nonk' and 'Pinky-Ponk'. Whatever.

Next - Bedtime stories. This should be the sign for kids pegi tido. Tapi bukan Ezzah la.. dia layan cerita aje. Time tido dia memang 4-5 jam lagi. Cuma mama dia ajer yang dok tunggu nak tengok yang ni sebab the saja je they put some hunks actors as storytellers. Ada ka letak Richard Armitage, Gary Barlow, Toby Stephens etc. etc..?  Ish..ish.. terpaksa la. *grinn*

Gary Barlow - cerita pasal gajah masa krismas baru ni 

                                                                  Toby jadi pirate.. : )

Lain-lain yang Ezzah suke, which I guess the whole kids kat Britain ni suke yalah Mr. Tumble. Dressed up a  clown, Tumble ni comes in 4 ke 5 characters ntah. Dia jugak Mr Tumble, dia jugak Grandad Tumble, dia jugak Lord Tumble. Memang meant for kids - but one thing pleasant about his program is that - they give opportunities to disabled kids. It's heartening to see the kids in wheelchairs, some mute; all were rejoicing their moments with Justin Tumble. He teaches sign-language too. Have his way with kids I suppose.
                                                                        The Tumbles

Lassttt skali, kena paksa nyanyi pulak ngan dia. : )

The time has come - to say goodnight
To say sleep tight till the morning light
The time has come - to say goodnight
It's the end of a lovely day.....

We have so much fun today
Tomorrow's just a dream away
Now it's time - to say good night
At the end of a lovely dayyyyy.........

Owh. Lupa. Scream scenes.
"Mama! Six-zero-zero!!" If I was not looking.
"Papa! Six-zero-zero!!" If Papa was not looking. 
To the "See you tomorrow morning at 6.00 am" screen. *sigh*

                                                 Ada rupa macam nak sleep tak..??

xx  DreamSnugger  xx