Friday 4 February 2011


Since yesterday evening, I feel heavy-headed and there's some stingy echoing sounds coming from inside my left ear. It got worst when we were at the Victoria Park playground (with huge sand place - so that Ezzah can get her jumping-frenzy-therapy session after months of hibernating). The strong wind turned my ear into chime - and I felt like it was coming out! One moment I was grasping for air, another minute I have to stop myself and relaxed my lungs. That didn't feel good at all.

We had to stop by at Iceland - to buy some veges and milk. Nak masak untuk jamuan kat rumah Hefni nanti. Once we got home, I almost fainted. I lost my balance and skidded on the shoe place making all the stuff I bought scattered on the floor. I sat down for a couple of minutes before getting up again. The moment I removed all of my jackets and sweaters, I felt like a stream of current running through my body. Terus rasa nak muntahhh! Which I did - and then after - I was as weak as the sayur lama dalam peti ais..smashed and flat.

I will save your time from guessing. NO I am not pregnant. But I do not know what had caused me this. Too much caffein from the cokes and coffees? Or too much chips? Or, I didn't balance up my life routine with walking etc? Anything I'm allergic with? Not that I know.. What could it probably be..?? Especially the dengungs in my ear. I remember Juwita once said about the dengung stuff years ago - and hers was due to fatiqueness. Tak tau where to start the guess sebab I did not take any drugs at the moment. Can somebody fill me up with clues?? There is a lot of "what if's" dalam mind ni.. *frowned*

What has agitated me even more is that how this country is running the health-casualty system. I wonder what would happen to me (and us) if we need to see a physician - tapi stalled sebab they have such a long procedures  that we have to abide. I was told that - even we got an emergency - we still need to call the health place for an appointment (be it like 1 hour in advanced). Showing up terus will mean "sesi menunggu sehingga sawan" la kita kat situ. Gila. Then tak payah lah letak sign "Emergency" tu if there's no relevant point. Hmm. Maybe, its just me - sebab orang kat sini don't even bother the system they're having. Diorang ni jangan charge (with ridiculous cost) aje, marah lah.

I browsed through some pages in the internet. From the symptoms - I was diagnosed with Vertigo (mesti sebab I wrote down "lost balance" tu). But they said  (the so-called online doctors) - I should need to consult a physician if;

1. I got a blurry vision (one side or both)
2. Vomitting continuously. Well, this two dah cukup for me to rush to the nearby physician!
3. Dan banyak lagi ....Scawwwy! 

Intann : I refrain myself from coffees and cokes at the moment. Perhaps I should stick to pisang, kan??

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

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