Tuesday 22 February 2011

My first pulut skaya ever!

After experiencing some panic attacks (of tak tau nak masak ape when friends called to visit) and occasional visual-torment images (of home kuihs and foods kat internet), I, finally, driven to make the kuih of my own -- and of course lah dish 'yang paling senang' - for a start.

So this evening, I made pulut skaya - or better known as serimuka. I followed all given steps, except for the tepung ubi (mana la nak cari) which I substituted with custard powders. Good thing I still have the liquidizer I wrongly-bought kat Argos (ingatkan blender) -- and it finally did the job like it should. Everything went well - I supposed - for it tastes just like pulut skaya! Slightly sweet, but still, I did it. Sigh.


Intann : Lepas ni nak wat ape plaks ye..? 

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

1 comment:

  1. yeah...
    dh berjaya wat kuih org melayu di nagara omputih...

    syabas bete!!
