Monday 7 February 2011

Rainy days and Mondays..

Misi membeli ayam kat Bristol today can be considered as FAILED. We were overslept 
(I was shot, remember?) and was not in the mood to drive in the rain. Plus, there were still plenty of leftovers from Hefni's in the fridge, and all I can think of bangun pagi-pagi was the cereal. Easy -- bukak box dan kenyang! Hmm.. modern-time motherhood eh? 

Not much activity done the whole day. Hmm..since program stock up ayam dah changed to tomorrow, I just ran around doing some cleaning in the house. Yang banyak bertaburan -- of course lah the blue packets. Think we are addicted to it. So much so of Chikkadeesss!

                                                             The culprit!

Know what? I was alone --vacuum carpet tangga and bathroom, and ducked down to collect the hairs (since vacuum bertuah tu tak cukup power nak sedut hairs). Being a thirty-something-of course-my-hair-fell-down-woman, I always know the longest hair lying on the floor was mine, tapiiii.. who wants to answer for the LONG WHITE HAIR I just found?????? Better go watch Spongebob lah.. (telan air liur sambil buat2 berani).. *sweating-hard!*

And the clean carpet cuma bertahan 2 jam sahaja!

Later in the evening, we just found out that we lost our large food-bin; wonder sapa la yang balas. Every households in Bath got the bin for free since October from the Council, untuk food waste aje. Hmm.. good effort, but the plastic bag will cost us GBP4 per roll. And now, mana nak buang sampah nih? Nak kena report ke apa nih..? Ingat Jumaat ni nak tumpang tong sampah jiran sebelah lah dulu. Bummer!

Layan StarWars marathon zaman 70an with Mr. Papa..  I just quit halfway, too much weird creatures and they talked funny! George Lucas did possessed some extreme imagination, kan? -- I simply cannot understand why men fancy citer tu.. never care, and never will. Lagi best tengok Handy Manny. Hehe..

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

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