Monday 21 February 2011

Misi Nasik Dagang Kak Pah - Part I

Friday night, we were chilling out kat living room  watching the IT Crowd (the 3 moronz almost caused our mind to explode ngan lawaks mengong diorg) - when suddenly my phone rang and it showed "Mardziah Sheffield" on the screen. I jumped. Panicked. "Bang? Todays 18 kan? Kak Maziah cakap nak datang!! Dah sampai kot!" Totally forgotten about it! I was sweating hard - for the living room looked even worse than a wrecked ship! "Please don't tell me you're here just yet.." I prayed. Give me 10 minutes -so I can kemas the living room. Hahaha.. 

I took the call - with my eyes closed. While  my thoughts were pestering me brain with questions like "Äpa nak masak? apa nak masak?apa nak masak..????!

"Intannnn..akak nak gi sana ESOK..." the rest of the words dah tak dengar.. and..there was a loud-relief-yay from within. Then another big-yay echoed when she said "...kak pah ko buat nasik dagang sebesen ni ha..esok kitorang bawak...!" DOUBLE YAY! Felt like ESOK HARI RAYA you know..? Hahaha..

Yes. Pathetic. For someone who cook just better than a 12 years old anak bujang (ye worse?) to list out menus for guest can be a bit depriving. I am totally happy they're coming - only the food part just churns me all over. Scary weh.. We got neither desert nor fruits. Let alone nak producekan festive-like dishes. Chikadees banyak la.. heh. So I made up my mind to add some more dishes to complement with their nasik dagang. Nasik putih and gulai ayam. Just to be safe, people. Hehe..

Saturday -- at around 11, they arrived. It was so good to see each other again (since BTN Penang in December 2009). Kak Pah n husband, Rizal now study and live in Southampton, Kak Mardziah and family travelled south from Sheffield, while Kak Haida, husband and their lovely miss drove from Leicester (God, I better google-up where the place is). Lyz's family car-pooled with Kak Pah, also from Soton. Harry came too - all the way from Trowbridge just to make sure we didn't habeskan his nasik dagang. It was indeed an early Hari Raya! 

                                               Ezzah with kawan baru - abangs from Sheffield.

The nasik dagang feast was like a dream came true, in fact that was most bewildered wish-dish for Mr. Papa since forever! 

This is ME menerkam my plate of nasik dagang. Ngehehehe..

The living room, the friends, the nasik dagang, and whole lotz of laughters!

Lepas berjaya feed the hungry Bath people (which tak kurus tang mana pun despite "takde food in Bath"), turn kitorang pulak jadi tourist guide. Misi jalan2 mula dengan pegi uni, then Bath town. Let the pics do the talking keh?

@Southgate, Bath - semua jamu mata jer..

Depan Pump Room
Menyesakkan laluan dengan berenti tengah2 jalan suka2 hati : ) 

Tourist guide pulak yang lebih. Hehe..ambik peluang weh..
bukan senang nak dapat photograper tambahan

Lyz, Khairul n Qistina @ Bath Abbey

Ezzah berkenan giler kat wellies itik tu..

@ Royal Crescent : Geng2 mak (termasuk yang preggy tu pun) join anak2 loncat 
- marking the end of the tour

Intann : Can't never get enough of nasik dagang. Even now still on nasik dagang hangover! 

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

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