Sunday 6 February 2011

I Can't Cook..!

Back from Hefni's place. We were the last yang sampai - pukul 2 jugak. Ni sebab kami satu rumah tido sebelum subuh malam tadi. Konon-kononnye nak align Ezzah-nye sleeping time. We got (paksa) her to sleep at about 9pm -- only to have her to be awake again pukul 12 tengah malam. Tiba-tiba je -- "Mama..I want nasik...Ezzah hungryyy.." Aduuu..pinsan. After nasik, mintak cereal pulak. Memang betul-betul lapaq dia nih! 

She went back to sleep (lepas acara garu belakang yang sangat lama!) at around 2am. Tapi, kami la pulak yang cerah bijik mata. One movie completed - Johhny Depp's new piece 'The Tourist'. Tak ngantuk - but we got hungry. Makan again at around 4 in the morning. To proceed dengan tidor after 1 large milk-coffee and whole loads of biskut memang sangat memberdosakan, so we decided to layan another movie. 'Grown Ups' with Adam Sandler and friends. Layan lahh. Memang lepas Subuh baru paksa diri tido..

I made Agar-agar Oreo (got the recipe from internet - quoted 'sangat simple!') dengan Spagetti with udang and mushroom. Memang tawakal lah bawak pegi. Orang lain masak memang tak ter'lawan' la. Kak Ana came with her cheesy tiramisu cake (buat sendiri tuu!), Hefni and Zetty cooked bihun goreng, Umi with nasik goreng cina and teriyaki chicken, Harry made salad dan banyak lagi lah! I was wayyy too sleepy to eat (seram sejuk sebenarnya tengok kehebatan orang memasak). Just chat-chat for about 2 hours and everybody started to leave. Tapi tiramisu cake tu memang menyentap kalbu - confirm tapau bawak balik.

We decided to have some makan-makan too at our place one day -- since people tadi dok tanya of our house whereabouts. Hmm.. perhaps during Ezzah's birthday. I'm not worried about the space -- since our house can accomodate like 20 pax at one time, cumanyaaa... WHAT TO COOK...??? Takkan nak belek resipi from BBC's I Can Cook kot.. (laughing at myself). *sigh*

Intann : Do something Intan..

xx  DreamSnugger  xx


  1. hahaha...
    what to cook?

    tapi ari ni nak g makan ikan bakar keramatlah...
    (kasi lu punya hati terbakar sikit)

  2. kish : jangan kan kata ikan bakar, ikan goreng pun kami dah lama x jumpa..sian kan?? hahaha.. takpe..takpe.. makan la..nanti intan balik memang nak charter satu kedai tu kat intan ja. huhuwahaha! (gelak lapar)
