Thursday 17 February 2011

Nape, tak pernah tengok orang selsema ke..?

Dragged my feet (and all the guts within me) to class semalam despite still having those irritating coughs, horrid-sniffles, and nasaly voice. I sounded just like Squidward (yes, I still do).  Asked a friend, why  they don't give us the antibiotics - for this has been going on for a week. Dia cakap that-- they used to bagi antibiotics before - but until recently the health ministry stopped distributing ubat tu and let people develop their own body immunity. Kalau takat seminggu tu kira tak dak hal la.. tunggu sebulan baru diorang bagi antibiotik tuu.. (Heh, how I wish she could cakap Melayu macam tu..). Logic jugak kalau impose kat local people, ye tak..?? Sepanjang masanya sejuk dan selsema, but can't they give some sort of exception kat foreigners..? Of which, on second thought, why on earth would they care, hehe..

I was this close to leaving the class (am showing you my tangan sejengkal ni, nampak tak?) when everyone seemed to turn their heads to look at me everytime I sniffled and let out the loudest cough (Mel was obviously running away from me!). When I speak, they was like "What..? Whatt..?? Say that again..??". Hmm.. Kes sengau lah ni. Tension betullah. But the lectures was so good, I knew I'd be terribly sorry if I missed them, so I stayed. Occasionally kena jugak run out from the classroom - sebab takleh nafas. Gila lah.. memang totally miserable! Tapi, that funny old chap from HLF bagi balik awal pukul 4.30 -- which really made my day sebab ada ARSENAL vs BARCA GAME AT 7.30! 

Hek hek hek.. (Squidward's laugh)

Intann : Think I better take a fresh sheet - sebab nak scream outloud 'bout game semalam!!

xx  DreamSnugger  xx

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