Monday 7 February 2011

Isk..tak best lansung!

I dreamt of an old friend, then I don't remember, then my arm was shot, again, I don't remember why -- and was brought to Kuantan to see a bomoh. The house (or clinic) was filled with people, which I was sure yang sakitnya sorang aje, but the carers punyalah ramai. But the makciks inside the clinic had this scary look -- gilalah.. one boy at the other side - was munching garam and daun pisang, and a faint-faced lady holding her bag full of ikan busuk. Once in a while, they threw their killer-scawwy jeling towards me sebab my phone never stops ringing! 

I remember the treatment room was separated dengan a huge bright yellow cloth hanging from the ceiling (normal view in every demonic place I suppose). Everyone looked impatient for their turns- perhaps dah lama tunggu before I even arrived. Long story short, all of the sudden, the tok bomoh came out and and said;

 "Hah.. mana satu yang kena tembak tu..?

One question changed it all. Time tu jugak every eyes in the hall pointed towards me (ya la, sapa lagi yang kena tembak)-- and in split seconds, they turned into 1000 scary faces and rushed hysterically to attack me!
Memang seram even I kind of realized that was a stupid dream (sebab kena tembak, which sangat tipu, heh). Panicked as semua orang would be kalau kena attack; I can still recalled my escape quote to the tok bomoh - as an excuse from his treatment;

"Takpa lah pakcik, saya balik dulu, saya nak kena hantar buku library.."

Cis. Buduhnyeee... tak thrill lansung!

Intann : Nak mimpi jadi bridget jones takleh ke..? Hehe..

xx DreamSnugger  xx

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