Saturday 5 March 2011

Am I up to the real test??

Remember my posting pasal my first pulut skaya?Ingat? Okey..skang..just forget them.
Now that I realize -- they were only some small issues exaggerated by orang tak reti masak like me - because here comes the real challenge.

Mr Papa and I have finally made up our mind -- that we should (long ago) host a feast for our friends - and yes, one of the reason behind it -- sebab asyik makan kat rumah orang je. So, as timely as it can be, we have sent out invitations for friends and neighbours to come and makan-makan in our house - next Saturday -- that is on Ezzah and me birthday.

We tried not to limit the number of guests, and 20 people RSVP-ed us they are coming. I hope my living room can accomodate them well. Still my biggest fear would be my cookings. Half of the guest are British and most are looking forward to makan new stuff like Malaysian food. Kak Ana said normally they (Malaysian friends) will bring something too - so she said I shouldn't bother with too much cookings (well, that works for me). Alice, out of the blue, offered to bring her very own cheese cake (am drooled already). Richard specifically requests for sambal (hmm..I wonder where on earth he knows about it!).

I thought that with dribbling the "what to buy list" in my mind would be enough to get me going on hosting stuff - but with exactly one week to go, I started to get these goosebumps. A lot of 'what if I forget this and that' stormed my shady brain lately -- so I finally got a large piece of A3 paper and stocked up all the things I need to do innit. Believe me, it is a verryyy long list. That can't be serious kan? I seem to look like planning for my daughter's wedding!! Hahaha.. (nervous laugh)

Okey, here goes the menus.

1. Mee Kari and all its taste-kicking condiments.
2. Ayam Panggang Malaysian style with savoury sauce
3. Nasik Goreng Cina (options for kids and those who can't eat spicy food)
4. The Birthday Cake of course
5. Snacks (Chocolates and potato chipzzz)
6. Drinks (Ribena, fizzy drinks and fruit juices)
7. Kuih2 am I doing? This list is handful enough for me and to tell you the truth, to think that this is something 'real' - does churn my perut upside down . But heck, this perhaps is my only chance to stand on my own guts -- plus this shall signify our triple (5th anniversary, birthday, birthday) celebration together ye tak..?

Blue Butterfly cake -- checked. Ezzah is all excited. Tanya Ezzah 'how old are you..?
Dia jawab 'I'm 4!'. 
'How old is Mama?' ---------------> 'Five!'.... hehehe..

Hari ni nak gi ASDA, beli disposible paper cups, plates dll. Wish me luck people!

** Think someone I know is getting engaged today -- CONGRATULATIONS! **

xx DreamSnugger xx


  1. cross ur fingers....hehehe,
    InsyaAllah mesti semua boleh...
    in advanve...

  2. Thank you.. : )

    Happy Birthday in advanced to Qallishah too!
    Kish kena makan cornetto lagi lah - just to commemorate the memories of giving birth to her! : D
